Pascal's Triangle
Teacher's Guide and Blackline Masters for Classroom Use
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The patterns in Pascal's Triangle offer a remarkable variety of opportunities for number work at many different levels. It is a rich resource and has many possible places to enter the curriculum and so a simple set of reproducible worksheets would be a limitation rather than an asset. The blackline masters included here are intended to be a starting point for teacherdesigned worksheets adapted for a particular class on a particular occasion. The text of the book is devoted to advice and suggestions on how the material might be used in class or to point out possible lines of investigation.
Starting with the simple rule which generates the numbers in Pascal's Triangle, it is remarkable how many other patterns and properties there are to discover.
Any teacher who would like to convey something of the wonder of mathematics to a class at almost any level would find little better than the material contained in this book. It offers potential for investigations and topics at levels from primary up to Sixth Form.
This book is also in many Tarquin Select packages with 100s of other resources for a small annual fee. Click the orange icon to find out more, or go straight to the collection with this book in for your preferred age group. Ages 7-11, Ages 11-14, Ages 15-16