Arithmetic Arithmetic - Solve the puzzle by Colouring in arithmetic answers
This collection of sixteen clever puzzle pictures offers lots of practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You can see the contents page below - and buy some pages for just a few pence to get going.
For the earlier puzzles, all the numbers are whole numbers. After that they include fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios. It offers a visual and imaginative approach to getting more practice and is called Arithmetic Arithmetic... because there are two different sets of sums for each of the pictures.
Choose the easier set, the harder set or if you wish, both! See the contents for an indication of what this means - in essence the book will be useful for differing ability ranges in ages 7-12.
This book is also in a Tarquin Select package with 100s of other resources for a small fee. Click the orange icon to find out more - link goes to the first of the two listed packages.
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Also available in the Tarquin Select packages Growing Mathematically and Emerging Mathematician - online collections of printable ebooks for different ages. Pay annually or monthly for a wide range of resources.