Venture Mathematics Worksheets Book S & X - Statistics and EXtra Investigations
The author spent many years teaching at a selective school with the constant challenge of including the most able pupils, whilst at the same time avoiding the danger of excluding the rest of a class. These worksheets are the result: many of them include fairly routine work, but most have more difficult questions to provide a challenge for the really able. The answer sections provide guidance on these difficult questions.
Book SX topics covered include:
- Early probability and data handling;
- Probability taken further;
- Looking at data;
- Possibilities and probabilities;
- Modulus arithmetic;
- Triangular numbers;
- Half pint mugs;
- Areas and lattice points;
- Production and Marketing;
- Matrices;
- Strange rollers;
- Drilled and painted cubes.
This book is also in a Tarquin Select package with 1000s of other resources for a small fee.