Start Learning
48 Art Projects to Help Parents Assess and Encourage their 2-5 Year Old's Development
It can be a struggle for parents to find out what is actually meant by normal development. Comparing your child against his or her peers can be misleading, while the opinions of friends and carers can appear contradictory and vague.
All parents want to ensure their child is developing well. And that's tough to do.
This guide is for parents to answer questions with facts. You will learn what to expect and when from your two to five year old, help you to understand the learning process, and be provided with a straightforward method to assess that development yourself.
You chose an art project and read the background information supplied, so that you can see what is expected of your child at his/her age. As the art project is completed together and the child practices his/her skills, you will gain an insight into the child's learning progress.
Start Learning covers art projects on these themes:
- personal and social development;
- physical development;
- mathematics;
- language and literacy;
- creative development and
- science.
What's "normal"? It's really difficult to know.
This book is based on the UK's Early Years Foundation Stage that professionals use. Tarquin has provided books and resources to parents, teachers and students for over 50 years - and we are confident this book will help.
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This book is also in a Tarquin Select package with 100s of other resources for a small annual fee. See the collection for Ages 3-7