FunMaths Perpetual Calendar
This is a Perpetual Calendar - not designed for any particular year and therefore can be used in ANY year. Great Value!
Key Stage 1 and 2 daily puzzle for home or classroom use. Designed to hang in an A3 space - 2 x A4 landscape pages.
Each daily activity has a theme, and each month has an activity for that theme. So for example in December daily activities are measurements in the main - and the theme is time.
Download some sample pages HERE
Themes are:
- Count your Lucky Stars
- How Many in a Minute?
- How Big is a Million?
- Learning and Doing
- Lucky 21
- Shapes and Shadows
- Easrt, Sun, Moon
- Millenium Eclipse
- The Blobbies
- Magic Squares
- Tangram and Friends
- Watch that Clock!